International Writer’s Journal
ila magazine
International Writer’s Journal is a new literary entity just started in USA to cover the contemporary international scene. It is edited by two Romanian translators long lived in The United stated. namely by: David Paul Vnuck and Muguras Maria Vnuck.
the aim of the journal as explained in the Call to Writers:
Our mission will be to seek out for publication new and existing writers from around the globe and to publish them in a public forum for all readers. We shall also offer literary translation services. We look forward to continued cooperation with our current contributors as well as new faces whom we shall be glad to meet in the future. You can send your texts to the following e-mail address: Please join us in our new journey through the world of international culture, visual arts, and literature. We shall keep in a permanent contact with you and we shall update you as our project progresses. Thank you and keep writing.
it featured in first 1ssue more 50 writers in more than 15 live languages amoung them: Russian, Spanish, Danish, Turkish, Hebrew, French, etc....